Mike Ohanu
1 min readAug 14, 2018



Success always comes with a price tag. The price tag may not necessarily be hard work but perseverance, constancy of purpose and judicious evaluation and changing of ones approach or method. Just as truth is a product of consistency and not certainty, success is a product of consistency and other factors and not just hard work alone as we already know.

Rarely does one attain the climax of success but a departure from a starting point(or reference point) to a close proximity to the schemed pinnacle is what is usually regarded as “success”. Success is indeed achieved during a transition from an initial state to a new state where substantial progress has been made towards the cherished goal.

The portrait of success should not be painted with stringency but should be envisaged to be quantized or stratified. Success is cumulative and it is more of a process than an endpoint or product or goal.

So success should indeed be envisioned as a journey and not a destination. Success is the ship and not the seashore or coast. Success is a compelling and propelling force and not just a goal to attain or a destination to be reached.



Mike Ohanu

Software Engineer | Machine Learning Engineer | Cloud Consultant | Writer